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Click on the links below to navigate to our different categories:

Service Doors  | Insulated Doors  | Fire-Rated Doors  | High Performance Doors & Grilles  | Rolling Gates  | Counter Doors  | Stacking Series  | Side Folding Grilles  | Operators  | Accessories  | Industry Specific Application


Service Doors

Create an AutoCAD drawing on demand by clicking here!


Insulated Doors

Create an AutoCAD drawing on demand by clicking here!


Fire-Rated Doors

Create an AutoCAD drawing on demand by clicking here!


High Performance Doors & Grilles

Create an AutoCAD drawing on demand by clicking here!


Rolling Gates

Create an AutoCAD drawing on demand by clicking here!


Counter Doors

Create an AutoCAD drawing on demand by clicking here!



EverGard Tube Motor

EverGard Tube Motor



NEMA 7/9 Operator

FSN79-50 F1_1



FireGard™ NEMA 7/9 Operator

AlarmGard NEMA 7/9 Operator



AlarmGard® NEMA 7/9 Service and Fire Door Operator

FSN79-50 F1_1


Firefly® Release Devices

Firefly Releasing Device




GalvaNex™ Finish

SpectraShield® Powder Coat Finish


ncmc-standard slat




SafetyGard UL325 Light Curtain






*Installation & Maintenance Manuals for Cookson Legacy products can be found here .