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As you’re installing your rolling door, you may come across some service questions you’re just not sure about. This isn’t the best time to make an educated guess. You want to make sure the rolling door you’re installing is up to safety standards.
Instead of searching Google or pouring through door manuals hoping to find the answer, you want to talk to someone who knows their stuff. At CornellCookson, our dedicated service team can assist in tackling challenges head-on. We’ve gathered a few answers from Electrical Service Tech, Mike Stasyszyn, of some of the most common electrical questions we hear, in this week’s blog.
A: There are some differences from motor to motor, but you’ll want to look for the terminals labeled open, close, stop and common. Most modern operators require a closed contact between stop and common, so if your controls don’t have a stop button, put a jumper between those two terminals. If you are connecting two or more controls to a unit, you need to make sure the stop buttons (if used) are wired in series. The open and close commands do not need to be wired this way.
A: Each motor brand is a little different. US Gear uses E5/E6 for monitored edges, and P5/P6 for monitored photo eyes. Liftmaster uses LMEP and Common for monitored photo eyes. Micanan uses P1/P2 for monitored photo eyes. Liftmaster and Micanan can use monitored edges, but require the use of the SM-102 from Miller Edge to make the edge ‘look’ like a photo eye to the operator.
A: In most cases, no you cannot change the voltage in the field on an operator. There are some that can use multiple voltages such as the Liftmaster Logic 5 operators; they come in single phase power and three phase power variants and have plugs onboard to select what voltage is being used.
Mike Stasyszyn, Electrical Service Tech, joined the CornellCookson team in 2006. Since then, he has worked in the shop with Tranzform, moved over to Motors followed by Receiving before joining the Service team in 2014.
When out of the office, Mike enjoys playing tabletop miniature games and being a dad to his two daughters.
💻by email: Service_Department@cornellcookson.com